The discussion thesis section is one of the most complicated parts alongside with the introductory clause. However, the introduction covers the feasibility regarding the necessity of the research pursuance, and the discussion embraces the direct results. At the same time, it makes the synthesis of the accumulated information in the main chapters of the dissertation and brings the principal results together with conclusions, which certainly should correspond to the performance targets in the introduction. It is significant to formulate the knowledge, new in comparison with the original knowledge concerning the analyzable problem and the one introduced for the public defense.
This part includes attaining the goals, which have been set in the introductory clause, and this part simply describes all achievements and difficulties of a doctoral candidate during the process of work accomplishment. More often than not, examiners from Dissertation Council check the introduction, several pages of the paper itself and the discussion chapter in thesis. According to the analysis of this ingenious control, they define the level of the author's professional integrity.
This part includes attaining the goals, which have been set in the introductory clause, and this part simply describes all achievements and difficulties of a doctoral candidate during the process of work accomplishment. More often than not, examiners from Dissertation Council check the introduction, several pages of the paper itself and the discussion chapter in thesis. According to the analysis of this ingenious control, they define the level of the author's professional integrity.
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